Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Alternative medicine

Various forms of alternative medicine used to treat symptoms or alter the direction of progression of the disease.  Acupuncture has been used to overcome some of the symptoms, such as the edge of nervous disorders (peripheral neuropathy), such as leg cramps, tingling or pain; but does not cure HIV infection.

Tests randomized clinical trials on the effects of herbal medicines show that there is no evidence that medicinal plants are having an impact on the progression of the disease, but instead the possibility of giving a variety of serious negative side effects.

Some data show that multivitamin and mineral supplements to reduce the possibility of progression of HIV disease in adults, although there is no convincing evidence that the death rate (mortality) will be reduced in people who have good nutritional status.  Vitamin A supplementation in children children may also have some benefits.  The use of selenium dose daily routine can lower HIV viral load pressure through an increase in CD4 count. Selenium can be used as a complementary therapy to a variety of standard antiviral treatment, but can not be used alone to reduce mortality and morbidity.

Recent investigation showed that the treatment therapy alteratif have little effect on mortality and morbidity of this disease, but can improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from AIDS. Psychological benefits of various alternative therapies that really is the most important benefits from its use.

But the research that revealed the presence of simtoma hipotiroksinemia in patients with AIDS who contracted HIV-1 virus, some experts suggest intake of hormone therapy with thyroxine.  The hormone thyroxine is known to increase basal metabolic rate of eukaryotic cells and improve the pH gradient in mitochondria.