Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Antiviral therapy

Current handling of HIV infection is highly active antiretroviral therapy (highly active antiretroviral therapy, HAART abbreviated).  This therapy has been very beneficial to people who are infected with HIV since 1996, ie after HAART initially became available protease inhibitors.

Current optimal HAART options, a combination of at least three drugs (so-called "cocktail), which consists of at least two kinds (or" classes ") antiretroviral materials. Typical is a nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors (or NRTIs) with protease inhibitor, or with non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). Because HIV disease progress faster in children than in adults, it was more aggressive treatment recommendations for children than for adults.


In the state- developing countries that provide HAART treatment, a doctor will consider the quantity of viral load, CD4 reduced speed, and mental readiness of patients, while choosing the time to start treatment early.

HAART allows stable maintenance of symptoms and viremia (the large number of viruses in the blood) in patients, but it does not cure or eliminate the symptoms of HIV.
HIV-1 in a high level are often resistant to HAART and the symptoms return after treatment is stopped.  Moreover, it takes more than a lifetime to clear HIV infection using HAART. Many people with HIV experience a great improvement in general health and quality of life, resulting in a drastic reduction of morbidity (morbidity) and death rate (mortality) due to HIV.

Without HAART treatment, changes in HIV infection into AIDS occurs at a mean (median) between nine to ten years, and subsequent survival time after contracting AIDS was 9.2 months. The application of HAART is thought to increase the survival time of patients for 4 to 12 years. For several other patients, whose numbers may be more than fifty percent, HAART treatment gives results far from optimal.

This is because of side effects / impact of treatment can not be tolerated, previous antiretroviral therapy is not effective, and certain infections are drug resistant HIV. Noncompliance and irregularities in implementing antiretroviral therapy is the main reason why most individuals fail to benefit from the application of HAART.

There are various reasons for the attitude of disobedience and irregular for the application of HAART. Psychosocial issues is the lack of access to primary health facilities, lack of social support, mental illness and drug abuse. HAART treatment is also complex, due to various combinations of the number of pills, dosing frequency, meal restrictions, and others who should be run regularly.  A variety of side effects that also lead to reluctance to regularly in the application of HAART, include lipodystrophy, dislipidaemia, insulin resistance, increased risk of cardiovascular system, and congenital abnormalities in babies born.

 Anti-retroviral drugs were expensive, and the majority of individuals infected in the world does not have access to treatment and care for HIV and AIDS.