Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Primary lung disease

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) are rarely found in healthy people who have a good body immunity, but generally found in people infected with HIV.

The cause of this disease is a fungal Pneumocystis jirovecii. Before the diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures are effective routine in Western countries, it was a common immediate cause of death. In developing countries, this disease is still the first indications of AIDS in people who have not been tested, although the indications are not generally occur unless the CD4 count is less than 200 per mL.


Tuberculosis (TB) is a unique infection among other infections associated with HIV, because it can be transmitted to the healthy (immunocompetent) via the respiratory route (respiration). He can be easily treated if identified, may appear at an early stage of HIV, and can be prevented through medication therapy. Nevertheless, tuberculosis resistance to various drugs is a potential problem in this disease.

Despite the emergence of this disease in Western countries has been reduced due to the use of direct observation and therapy with other recent methods, but it was not the case that occurred in developing countries where HIV is most commonly found.

In the early stages of HIV infection (CD4 count> 300 cells per mL), tuberculosis emerged as a disease of the lungs. At an advanced stage of HIV infection, it often appears as a systemic disease affecting other parts of the body (extrapulmonary tuberculosis).

The symptoms are usually non-specific (constitutional) and is not restricted to one place. TBC that accompanies HIV infection often attacks the bone marrow, bone, urinary and digestive tract, liver, lymph nodes (regional lymph nodes), and central nervous system .  Thus, symptoms may be more related to the emergence of extrapulmonary disease.