Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

The stigma of AIDS can be further divided into three categories:

* Instrumental AIDS Stigma - the reflection of fear and concern for matters related to deadly and infectious diseases.
* Stigma symbolic AIDS - namely the use of HIV / AIDS to express attitudes toward social groups or a particular lifestyle that is considered associated with the disease.
* Courtesy stigma of AIDS - the social penalties for those dealing with issues of HIV / AIDS or HIV positive people.


The stigma of AIDS is often expressed in one or more stigma, especially related to homosexuality, bisexuality, prostitution, and drug use by injection.

In many developed countries, there is a connection between AIDS and homosexuality or bisexuality, which correlates with the level of sexual prejudice is higher, such as anti-homosexual attitudes.  Similarly, there is a perceived association between AIDS and sexual relations between men, including when the relationship between uninfected partners.