Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Handling of experimental and advice

There has been the opinion that the vaccine was only suitable to withstand the global epidemic (pandemic) vaccine because the cost is cheaper than the cost of other treatments, so that developing countries are able to enable it and patients do not require daily maintenance. However, after more than 20 years of research , HIV-1 remains a difficult target for vaccines.


Various research to improve care, including efforts to reduce the side effects of drugs, simplification of combination of drugs to facilitate usage, and determining the best sequence of treatment combinations to the face of drug resistance.

Several studies have shown that preventive measures can be useful opportunistic infection when treating patients with HIV infection or AIDS. Vaccination for hepatitis A and B is recommended for patients who are not infected with this virus and the risk for infection.

Patients who experience immune suppression is also suggested that large receive preventive therapy (prophylactic) for pneumococcal pneumonia, as well as patients with toxoplasmosis and cryptococcal meningitis many who would benefit from such prophylactic therapy.