Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Cause aids

AIDS is the worst form for the consequences of HIV infection. HIV is a retrovirus that usually attacks the vital organs of the human immune system, such as CD4 + T cells (a type of T cells), makrofaga, and dendritic cells. HIV damages the CD4 + T cells directly and indirectly, whereas CD4 + T cells needed for immune system to function properly. When HIV has killed CD4 + T cells to the number shrinks to less than 200 per microliter (mL) of blood, then the immunity at the cellular level will be lost, and the result is a condition called AIDS. Acute HIV infection will progress to clinically latent infection, and symptoms of early HIV infection, and eventually AIDS, which is identified by examining the number of CD4 + T cells in the blood and the presence of certain infections.


Without antiretroviral therapy, the average duration of progression of HIV infection to AIDS is nine to ten years, and the average survival time after AIDS is only about 9.2 months.  However, the rate of progression of the disease in each person varies greatly , that is from two weeks to 20 years. Many factors influence it, such is the strength of the body to defend against HIV (such as immune function) from an infected person. Parents generally have a weaker immunity than younger people, so more at risk of disease progression rapid. Less access to health care and the presence of other infections such as tuberculosis, can also accelerate the progression of this disease.  genetic heritage infected person also plays an important role. Some people are naturally resistant to some HIV variants.  HIV has some genetic variation and a variety of different forms, which will cause the rate of progression of clinical disease are different also.  Highly active antiretroviral therapy will be able to extend the average time berkembangannya AIDS , and the average time the ability of patients to survive.